About Ramp-Up.me

Would you like to make your next event accessible in order to open it up to a larger, more diverse audience? Ramp-Up.me gives you tips on how to make your event location more accessible, how to bring more divesity into your programm and how your communication can reach more people. What is always helpful: an awareness of barriers, a network of diverse contacts and foresight in planning.

Foto: Andi Weiland | Gesellschaftsbilder.de


It is our goal to promote diversity and participation on stage and in the audience. We hope that more and more event organizers will decide to commit to inclusion and accessibility voluntarily. Beyond that there are also legal requirements that oblige organizers to change their ways. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which came into effect in 2009, states that people with a disability have the right to take part in society. The German constitution also states that people with disabilities may not be discriminated against.

Foto: Andi Weiland | Gesellschaftsbilder.de

The Team

Behind Ramp-Up.me are Ruby Berlin e.V. and Sozialhelden e.V. Sozialhelden is a team of media professionals with and without disabilities in Berlin, who have created various inclusive projects. Among those are “Wheelmap.org”, to which people around the world can add wheelchair accessible places, the online platform “Leidmedien.de”, which gives tips on avoiding stereotypes in language in the media, the photodatabase “Gesellschaftsbilder.de”, which provides journalists with photographs showing people with disabilities on equal footing, the video project, “Die Andersmacher”, which portrays people with disabilities who have chosen a path which is different from the one often prescribed by society. 

photo credit: Andi Weiland | Gesellschaftsbilder.de


Florian Gilcher, Raul Krauthausen, Holger Dieterich

Editiorial Team

Lilian Masuhr, Judyta Smykowski, Silke Georgi (Englisch)

Graphic Design

Adina Hermann


Andi Weiland, N. Lackner, Mosjkan Ehrari, Lilian Masuhr, Michael Bause

Foto: Andi Weiland | Gesellschaftsbilder.de

Do you know of an event that is leading the way as a good example? A helpful address that we have overlooked? Or do you want advice for your next event? Then you can contact us here:

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Ramp-Up.me is a project of SOZIALHELDEN e.V.

SOZIALHELDEN e.V. is registered with the VR number 28655 at the Register of Associations at the registry court Amtsgericht Charlottenburg.

Sozialhelden e.V.
c/o Immobilien Scout GmbH
Andreasstr. 10
D-10243 Berlin

Seat of the association: Berlin
German Registry court: AG Charlottenburg, Register of Associations VR 28655
Chairman: Raúl Krauthausen

Responsible for the content in accordance with §6 MDStV:
Raúl Krauthausen (address above)